Seats fit for a Queen

Volunteers to be test pilots are not easy to find in order to check whether a new device is OK for the general public use. After all, as a responsible body of Christian people we should be prepared to engage one of our own parishioners to be the first guinea pig. It is important to choose a member who has the experience and wisdom in giving feedback that will endorse the use of the device.
Eileen Walker, one of our Readers, fitted the bill and just after the first installation was complete she appeared by magic or was it divine intervention? Eileen was willing to ensure that the seat was comfortable and the sensor and remote operation was working to her satisfaction…and the device was then given the go-ahead!
Flushed with success John &
Peter fitted the other 4 automatic toilet seat cover devices without delay. The
toilet seat cover is automatically controlled by a built-in microcomputer, and
operated by a non-touch sensor or the built-in button. New sanitary film then
is pulled into position and stops after exactly one complete turn. The used
film is destroyed by a cutter to ensure one time use only! Do not be concerned
about safety…they are not connected to the national grid…having a built-in
6V rechargeable battery. They even have torque control (but not talk control)
just in case someone operates the film changer when seated!
You are probably asking why bother with this device at all and some of us were initially sceptical about this investment! However, the committee decided to try & reduce the risk of infections to a minimum without needing to sanitise the seats continuously in the community centre. Margaret had seen these in hotels and airports and found them very useful indeed, so far I can say I agree completely, so thanks to Cheshire East Council we now have the best toilets seats in Congleton and perhaps even the County!
Peter Houldsworth